Membership Information

Dear Sister Deltas,

Below are the tiers that can be paid through PayPal or by sending a check to Cheryl Miller. Please email the membership co-chairs for an address.  We’ll also be at in-person events in the fall to accept your cash or check.

Regular dues will be $65   Click here

Life Loyal dues will be $42    Click Here

And announcing…

Young Alum Membership $25  Click Here
To qualify for this designation a sister must have been initiated within the last fifteen years. (Currently, this includes sisters initiated between 2006-2021.) 

Thank you for any additional amount you may choose to donate. Click Here

To summarize, here are your next steps as you renew your membership for 2021-2022:

  1. Complete and return new Membership Form .
  2. Complete and return Participant Waiver and Covid Release and Medical Consent.
  3. Pay dues through PayPal, by check or in-person.

Thanks for your support from your Membership Committee,

Carroll Martin
Judy Hutchins


If you are planning to attend in person events, MDAC is requiring a Participant Waiver and COVID Release  and a Medical Consent form for all in person MDAC events this coming year. Here are the forms .

MDAC is also asking for an optional media release form to honor a member’s wishes regarding photo’s taken at the event. The waiver forms can be submitted three different ways:

1. Please fill out this form save to your computer and email the filled-out form and electronically signed waivers to

2. Mail the completed forms to Lisa Edgar-Dickman . Email membership co-chairs to request her address.

3. Fill out the forms before participating in your first in person event. For the first few in person events some paper waiver forms will be available.


brave, bold, kind